
A small chip that gives your dog or cat permanent identification for their entire lifetime.

Microchipping provides your pet with permanent identification which could be the difference between ending up in a shelter or getting back home to you. With a one-time procedure, your dog or cat will have a lifetime of permanent identification. If you’d like to have your pet microchipped, please contact us at 613-384-0986.

How do microchips work?

Microchips are about the size of a grain of rice. A small chip is encased in a capsule, which securely stores a unique number that helps identify your dog or cat. When the chip is scanned by a veterinarian or shelter staff, they can use this number that’s unique to your pet to connect with the manufacturer. Then, they’re able to contact you based on the information you provided when the microchip was registered.

Why don’t microchips need to be replaced?

Your canine or feline companion will typically only need one microchip for their lifetime since they’re not powered by an external power source. This means that there aren’t any moving parts or batteries that need to be replaced. Microchips are implanted beneath the skin, often between the shoulder blades. Tissues in your dog or cat’s skin will form around the microchip so it’s unlikely to move. Its material is also safe for your pet, ensuring it causes no harm to them after implantation.

When is the best time to microchip my dog or cat?

The sooner, the better! Since it’s impossible to predict your dog or cat escaping through a hole in the fence in your backyard or breaking free from their leash, we recommend microchipping at 8 weeks old at the earliest. Some owners also opt to have the procedure done during surgeries. Though microchipping is a fairly painless procedure that doesn’t require a sedative or anesthesia, it can be convenient to combine it with an upcoming surgical procedure. If you have questions about when to microchip your pet, you can always consult with our veterinary team.

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